"From the desk of H.E. Supreme Grand Master."
‘Give thyself more diligently to reflection: know thy self: take counsel with the Godhead:
without God put thine hand unto nothing.’
I wish to identify the basic attributes of good leadership.
A good leader creates an atmosphere whereby he/she is sought by the membership. They are
sought after if they reflect: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, and self-control.
When we learn to reflect love, joy, peace, and patience, we benefit as well as those we
encounter. We can’t reflect something unless it’s within us to reflect. When we are truly
reflecting joy, peace and patience, others are glad to be associated with us. When we reflect
those qualities in our lives, others experience those qualities rubbing off on them.
As we go on to develop kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness, others know they can
trust us. They know they will be treated the way they deserve to be treated. When we deal with
people honestly and with kindness, faithfulness, and gentleness, we send them the message
that we care. In return, we are treated the same way, because what we give to others comes
back to us.
Without self-control we lack the ability to love unconditionally. Self-control gives us the ability
to put the ego in the correct perspective so that we don’t harm ourselves or others.
The ego that insists on having its own way is a destructive ego, both to the self and to others. It
can lead to destructive habits; it can seek its good without being concerned about the welfare
or good of others.
Mastering self-control is a key to gaining mastery over our lives. As we develop these
noteworthy traits, we will reflect them in our lives, and others will be drawn to us like magnets.
They will seek our company because of the comfort, companionship, friendship and love they
experience with us.
Brethren, truth alone triumphs, never untruth.
God’s blessings to all.